Happy Heart 2021

2021-02-19T10:31:05-05:00February 19th, 2021|Blog|

When I think of 2020, there were a lot of broken hearts. I certainly don’t need to rehash all the things we missed in 2020 because everyone has their own list they can recite quickly but 2021 can be different! February is Heart Health Month so now is the time to think about what 2021 can bring and how you can ensure your heart health so you can do all the things on your “pause list.”

When I started thinking about heart health and how fundamental it is to every person, I began to contemplate its similarity to cyber security. I know some will think this is a stretch but every individual, every company needs security. Its table stakes in today’s world. Cyber attacks are relentless and so is heart disease. Consider a few more similarities:

  1. Stealth attack – attacks happen before you realize it
  2. Health Checks – diagnosing the problem is key
  3. Remediation – getting back to health is a lot of hard work
  4. Prevention – establishing better heart health and cyber hygiene routine

This is not an exhaustive list, rather we all recognize the dangers of heart disease, the long term effects of not getting a check-up, and the difficulty of a recovery in the case of heart attack or stoke. In 2021, it is even more important to get a check-up due to the impact of the coronavirus on the public’s heart health, including potential harmful effects of the virus on the heart and vascular system, according to recent research. So, it’s time to make your appointment!

Five years ago, I woke up with a shoulder pain which ended with heart surgery. It wasn’t a heart attack but a warning sign to take seriously. For women, problems with your heart present differently than men – shoulder pain, back pain, stiff neck, nausea, fatigue and more. With the care of an awesome cardiologist and focus on heart health, today, life is great! I’m skiing, golfing, hiking and living an active lifestyle with an annual heart health check-up.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have delayed or avoided going to hospitals for heart attacks and strokes – netting poorer outcomes and prompting the AHA to create “Don’t Die of Doubt,” a national awareness campaign that reminds people that hospitals are the safest place to go when you have symptoms. Also, don’t delay meeting with your cardiologist. Virtual visits are a great start!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time to get a heart health check-up! It matters and you matter! https://www.heart.org/.

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